يوم الجمعة 03/15/2019 كان احتفال الجالية بيوم المرأة العالمي وترحيب بقدوم الخالات نادية ام سالي وخالتي فاطمة ام صفاء واختها يسرا خالتي الهام ام نجلاء واختها نهاد وكل الاخوات والخالات الموحودات والغير موجودات.اهلا وسهلا اورلانو اشرقت بنوركم
Downy Picnic 3/3/2019
Picnic In Downy Park it was amazing day we had at Downy we gathered round the grill kids playing here in there guys playing cards people are talking about politics. We had fun seeing everybody doing something. As usual Orlando
Trip to Washington DC 02/16/2019
As community we participate in the gathering that happened in Washington DC. We spend hours of Feb 16 2019 in front of the congruous some speakers and activists spoke about the situation in Sudan with the current regime and how they