Salaams ladies🌷Mark the date for January’s coffee & conversation 🥳; January 23rd @ 7:00pm Insha’Allah! Looking forward to see everyone. أنيقات أورلاندو🌷اجتماعنا الشهري مع كباية جبنه/قهوه/شاي .. يوم السبت ٢٣ يناير الساعه سبعه مساءً… في انتظار شوفتكم جميعا.ابقوا كتاااار🥳 Looking
Sudan independence day Saturday Jan-2, 2021 6&7pm
Assalamu alaikum dear members of our community… The executive committee of the SAAOCFL would like to invite you to a zoom gathering, as part of our social activities via Zoom, in the annual remembrance of our Independence Day .. When:
COVID-19 What we Know? Sunday, December 13th 2020 @ 4:00 pm
Assalamu alaikum dear members of our community… The executive committee of the SAAOCFL would like to invite you to a workshop, as part of our educational activities via Zoom, covering an important topic these days. Topic: “COVID-19 Vaccine; what we
Ladies zoom meeting Saturday, November 28th, 2020 @ 7:30p.m.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله🌼. تدعو اللجنه التنفيذيه للجاليه (قطاع نواعم😎) جميع سيدات وآنسات الجاليه السودانيه، للقاء عبر الزوم للتفاكر وتبادل الآراء. جيبي جبنتك/قهوتك/شاهيك ☕️ وتعالي يوم السبت الجاي ٢٨ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٠ الساعه سبعه ونص مساءً. ابقوا كتااااار ☺️ Assalamu alaikum
New Business Formation, Taxes and Finance Sunday11/8/2020 @ 1PM
اعضاء الجالية السودانيةالسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهتدعوكم اللجنة التنفيذية الي محاضرة بعنوان:New Business Formation, Taxes and financeمن ضمن برنامج اللجنة الثقافي والتعليمي عن طريق تطبيق زوومالمحاضرة مع عضو الجالية ورجل الاعمال الاخ الدكتورجعفر بخيت بوش- (دكتوراه ادارة الاعمال)كما أيضًا سيشاركه
Breast Cancer Event 10/25/20202 @ 4:00pm
Assalamu alaikum all.. October is breast cancer awareness month; join SAAOCFL for an awareness & prevention workshop lead by Dr. Salma Elfaki based on her knowledge & experience, this coming Sunday @ 4:00 pm. Looking forward to see everyone. السلام
Vote and Ice Cream 10/23/2020 @ 5:00pm
Join us. your voice count vote and ice cream day. join us to fulfill our civil rights. enjoy Ice Cream with friends Our youth ice cream after Voting. This is our contribution to our community. Please congrats them for a
Workshop-lead Organized by our youth 10/18/2020 @ 4:30pm
Assalamu alaikum everyone … SAAOCFL youth would like to invite you to a workshop – lead and organized by our youth- Covering an important topic these days, coming just in time for the elections. Topic: “Voter’s Guide for the 2020
General Assembly Meeting 09/27/2020 @ 1pm
General Assembly Meeting 09/27/2020 السيدات والساده أعضاء الجمعيه الكرام. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته. تدعوكم اللجنه التنفيذية لحضور الاجتماع المزمع عقده يوم الاحد ٢٧ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٠ الساعه الواحده ظهرًا عن طريق تطبيق الزووم. اجندة الاجتماع كالاتي.. * تعرف علي أعضاء
Rent A Location For the community
Open Discussion There is an idea of renting a please for center FL community to do our activities in it. Some of the benefits from our point of view – Previous for our community to meet in a place for