إلى الأعزاء المؤسسين وأعضاء الجمعية السودانية الأمريكية في فلوريدا

نود أن نعبر لكم عن خالص شكرنا وتقديرنا لجهودكم الجبارة وتفانيكم الصادق في تأسيس هذه الجمعية. لقد أضحيتم من وقتكم وجهدكم وسعيكم لتحقيق رؤية سامية وأهداف نبيلة تعود بالنفع على الجميع. بفضل تعاونكم وإصراركم، أصبحت الجمعية واقعاً ملموساً يتقدم بخطى ثابتة نحو النجاح.

لقد كان لكل واحد منكم دور مهم ومحوري في بناء هذا الصرح الذي يمثل اليوم منصة للتغيير الإيجابي. إن جهودكم لم تكن فقط مصدر إلهام لنا، بل كانت أيضاً دافعاً للاستمرار والعمل الجاد لخدمة المجتمع السوداني

شكرًا لكم على كل ما قدمتموه، ونسأل الله أن يبارك في مساعيكم وأن يجعل ما قدمتموه في ميزان حسناتكم.

To the esteemed founders and members of the Sudanese American Association Of Central Florida,

We would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for your tremendous efforts and genuine dedication in establishing this association. You have devoted your time, effort, and commitment to achieving a noble vision and goals that benefit everyone. Thanks to your cooperation and determination, the association has become a tangible reality progressing steadily towards success.

Each of you has played a crucial and pivotal role in building this organization, which now serves as a platform for positive change. Your efforts have not only been a source of inspiration to us but have also motivated us to continue working diligently to serve the Sudanese community.

Thank you for all that you have contributed, and we ask God to bless your endeavors and to reward you for your efforts

First Exceptive Committee 2018 – 2020

*President:            Iehab Hamed

* Vice President:  Salma Elfaki

*Secretary:          Ahmed Elmatbagi

*Treasurer:           Mohamed Amer

*Executive Members: Magda Mohamed , Mohamed Makki , Sadiq Salih , Safaa Khalafalla , Abdelrahim Abdelgader


Iehab Hamed

Vice President

Salma Elfaki


Ahmed Elmatbagi


Mohamed Amer

Executive Members

Magda Mohamed

Executive Members

Mohamed Makki

Executive Members

Sadiq Salih

Executive Members

Safaa Khalafalla

Executive Members

Abdelrahim Abdelgader

Second Exceptive Committee 2021 – 2022

*President:          Sadiq Salih

*Vice President: Nema Ebrahim

*Secretary:         Safaa Khalafalla

*Treasurer:            Iehab Hamed

*Youth Coordinator: Reel Mohamed


Sadiq Salih

Vice President

Nema Ebrahim


Safaa Khalafalla


Iehab Hamed

Youth Coordinator

Reel Mohamed

Third Exceptive Committee 2023 – 2024

*President:          Sadiq Salih

* Vice President:  Salem Shamat

*Secretary:         Mahdi Gibril

*Treasurer:           Walid Safwat

*Deputy Treasurer: Iehab Hamed

*Youth Coordinator: Khalid Elmatbagi , Tasneem Amer


Sadiq Salih

Vice President

Salem Shamat


Mahdi Gibril


Walid Safwat

Deputy Treasurer

Iehab Hamed

Youth Coordinator

Khalid Elmatbagi

Youth Coordinator

Tasneem Amer

Fourh Exceptive Committee 2024 – 2025

*President:         Abdelmonem Kardash

* Vice President:  Muaz Osman

*Secretary:        Hiba ElFaki

*Treasurer:         Wigden Farid

*Social Services:  Nehad Obaid

*Executive Members : Abdelmonem Ibrahim, Hatim ElHakim, Salim Shamat, Mahdi Gibril


Abdelmonem Kardash

Vice President

Muaz Osman


Hiba Elfaki


Wigdan Farid

Social Services

Nehad Obaid

Executive Member

Abdelmonem Ibrahim

Executive Member

Hatim Elhakim

Executive Member

Salim Shamat

Executive Member

Mahdi Gibril