مسابقه اجمل زينه
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله أعضاء الجاليه الكرام،،
تقوم اللجنه التنفيذيه برعايه مبادره رمضانيه عن استقبال شهر رمضان في الغربه. تهدف المبادره الى حث الاطفال للاحتفال بقدوم شهر رمضان المبارك عبر تزيين المنازل من الداخل وإضافه أجواء روحانية ومناظر جميله ونشر الفرحه والبهجه والسرور…
رمضان في بيتنا احلى
سوف تقسم المشاركات الي مجموعات من حيث الاعمار:
• عمر ٥-٧ سنوات
• عمر ٨-١١ سنه
• عمر ١٢-١٦ سنه
Due date:
اخر يوم في شعبان
• كل مشارك يقوم بتصوير الزينة بعد اكتمالها وإرسالها في رساله الي الأخت أمل طراوه، تلفون
(407) 353-2734
سوف تكون هنالك جوائز للفائزين من كل مجموعه🎁🎉🎁.
اي اسئله او استفسار؟ الرجاء التواصل مع الأخت صفاء او الأخت امل.
في انتظار ابداعات اولادنا❤️🌹
*Ramadan decoration competition *
Assalamu alaikum everyone,
The executive committee is sponsoring a competition about decorating our houses for the month of Ramadan to instill the spirit of the holly month in our kids as they are celebrating it far from home.
Rules are simple, every one will do their decorations with the theme of Ramadan inside the house, take a pic and send it to Amel Tarawa..phone
(407) 353-2734
There will be 3 age groups..,
• age 5-7 years old.
• age 8-11 years old.
• age 12- 16 years old.
Due date… last day of Sha’ban.
There will be gifts for the winners from each group.
Any questions? Feel free to text Sr. Safaa or Sr. Amel.
Looking forward to see the creativity of our kids ❤️🌹
Today is the last day for submissions for the Ramadan decorating contest. Looking forward to it🌙🥰🌙🥰
We are waiting for the result and the prizes
Congrats to our Ramadan decoration contest winners. We want to thank those who took the time, been creative, put the effort & decorated & submitted their decoration on time🌹. We would also like to thank our member Amel Tarawa for her initiative & help with this contest; very much appreciated🌷.
Our winners are…🥁🥁🥁 🥁
First Place Winners.
- Age group 8-11* Mohamed Salih 🥳🎉
- Age group 12-16 Aseel Omer🎉🥳
2nd Place Winners..
- Age group 8-11Reel Omer🎉🥳
- Age group 12-16 Ahmed Salih🥳🎉
1st place winners will receive $50 gift card each.
2nd place winners will receive $25 gift card each.
SAAoCFL would like to thank you for your response & contribution, may Allah bless all🌹.
The winners’ submissions 👇.